Superposition Series

superimposed hearts

In quantum physics, the concept of superposition implies that all possible outcomes of a quantum event occur simultaneously. The mind-bending extension of this concept, the multiverse (or many worlds) theory, has always intrigued me. If every quantum event leads to the birth of a new universe, forming an immense tapestry of parallel realities where all possible outcomes exist - what would we experience if we looked in on a different life from the one we are currently observing?

The Maddie and Nate Series explores this concept through multiple versions of their lives. Although the books can’t explore every detail, I built the series around the idea that every choice we make has a ripple effect into our future. Whether it’s a small decision like what to eat for breakfast or a significant one, like changing careers, each choice sets us on a path that alters the course of our lives. These decisions shape the opportunities and challenges we encounter, leading us down unique trajectories that are constantly evolving. Even the seemingly inconsequential choices can have unforeseen consequences, highlighting the interconnected nature of our decisions and the impact they have on shaping our future.

Maddie and Nate, the protagonists of the series, are soulmates. They are destined to meet. By the time they meet in Bar Harbor in the first book of the series, Out of Time, both characters have made choices that have shaped their identities and circumstances. Is it the perfect time in their lives to meet or are they out of time to realize the full potential of their relationship?

I guess you’ll just have to read the book and let me know what you think.


How far have we really come?


A girl walks into a bookstore…