Writing & Stuff
Thoughts on writing and writings about things I’m thinking about.
Food & Recipes
What to eat, where to eat and how it’s made…according to me.
Places & Events
Where I’ve been, where you’ll find me and where I want to go.
Scroll down for more blog posts!
Unexpected Identity Crisis: How Becoming an Author Transformed my Sense of Self
The Identity Alchemy of Becoming a Writer - The process of building fictional identities has unexpectedly illuminated the way my life choices have shaped my own sense of self.
When Love Defies Time: Finding Your Soulmate at the Wrong Moment
Traditional romance readers often draw a hard line when it comes to infidelity in their fiction. It's understandable – we read romance for the promise of love conquering all, not for the messy reality of hearts being broken along the way. But some love stories demand to be told precisely because they challenge our comfortable assumptions about right and wrong. These stories live in the gray spaces between conventional romance and contemporary women's fiction, where real life's complications refuse to be neatly packaged with a bow.
I wanted to share some thoughts on the themes behind my latest novel "Next Time" and why I chose to explore the complex territory of love's timing in our lives.
Genre and the Multiverse: A Reader and Writer’s Perspective
Ultimately, the beauty of storytelling- whether as a reader or writer - is that it doesn’t have to be confined to a single genre, just as the multiverse suggests our lives aren’t confined to a single outcome. We exist in a world of possibilities, and so do the stories we create and consume. As a reader, I still chase after stories that move me, regardless of their genre. As a writer, I strive to craft stories that do the same - drawing from multiple genres to create narratives that resonate deeply.
How far have we really come?
Creating my characters' lives has made me think about the differences and similarities between Maddie’s era and my Gen X perspective. When considering the ongoing battle for workplace equality, the fight to maintain women’s reproductive rights and societal expectations surrounding marriage and motherhood, it’s sometimes disheartening to think that as much as things have changed… we haven’t come far enough in the last four decades.
Superposition Series
The Maddie and Nate Series explores the concept of superposition by exploring multiple versions of their lives.
Maddie’s First Car
On Timing
Putting Pen to Paper
Is it possible to write an entire novel without having a clue what you’re doing?
It is and I did.
How I Wrote a Novel: The Beginning
It all started on a car ride to Chicago.
The Identity Alchemy of Becoming a Writer - The process of building fictional identities has unexpectedly illuminated the way my life choices have shaped my own sense of self.